Welcome to my redesigned page!

May 27, 2019

This is it, my redesigned page, in this blog, I’ll be posting about programming & tech related things. The code has been made from scratch, taking inspiration from Pedro Javier’s page, but all the HTML & SCSS has been manually written, with the help of Jekyll & the Liquid templating language.

What I plan to do with this website from now on

Until now, the website has been a bit dead, and I’ve been thinking to use it for some time now. This change has come with a redesign, because the old page was just a theme, I didn’t like it all the way, so now, I hope, things change for better.

In this site I’d like to share my projects and findings. I’ll try to post regularly about whatever I’m working in at that moment.

I wan’t this to become somewhere where I can share the little knowledge I have with whoever wants to read it. I want also to share here what I learn along the years, so it can maybe even help someone (seems pretty unlikely to me, but whatever I can say what I want 🙃). I hope you like the page and the idea I have for it.